Watch amazing videos about all kinds of wood furniture refinishing projects.
Stain removal without sanding. This is a great demonstration of how to completely remove old finishes without the need for sanding. Ross has a deep understanding and is very experienced with all sorts of chemicals.
Refinishing dresser without a full stain strip. If you're willing to darken up the colour compared to the original tone and aren't too picky with small details, this is a great alternative to save a lot of time.
Restoring a small veneer table. This is a really good example of restoring a piece of furniture that's had a lot of wear and tear. It's not perfect but pretty good result given that one can only sand veneer so much without ruining the wood.
Full desk restoration. This video has it all. From burning off paint, also using stain stripper, replacing broken pieces and other fine detailing.
DIY table refinishing, from stain removal to finished product. This video is a great to demonstrate of how to fix several different types of staining mistakes. If you're not out for perfection and looking for an easier DIY project, this is it.
Finish a dining room table without brush marks and not using a sprayer. Nice polyurethane mix with mineral spirits and the filming process. This guy obviously really enjoys working with wood.
How to Use Gel Stain Without Stripping an Existing Finish. Good step by step instructions. Explains the tools and process very clearly.
Oiling a teak side table. Good explanation of products and a different approach to restoration without sanding.
Staining tips to avoid blotchy areas. Very good example, straight forward demonstration using wood conditioner before staining.
How to Stain Wood Evenly Without Getting Blotches and Dark Spots. Very good explanation of the process using shellac to seal beofer staining.
How to stain poplar. Very straight forward and well thought out video with tones of tips.