Watch great videos about stain removal, repairs, sanding and much more...
Sanding off old stain on a staircase. Very clean video with clear instructions on stain removal with basic sanding tools.
Another good example of sanding off old stain from a staircase. Staining treads with semi-transparent and painting all the risers is always a nice option.
Staircase makeover. Great video to show how to remove an old carpet and install new treads and risers.
How to professionally sand floors using a belt sander. If you're willing to rent a large belt sander and edger, this is the way to go.
Sanding a half decent floor without a drum sander. Good instructional video if you think the floor is in need of a light sand.
Repair, sand and refinish hardwood floors. Very thorough explanation. Good tips on removing stains and filling cracks.